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  • Dave's software called the Degree of Interest Tree browser (DOITree) is described in this recent paper presented at the Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI) conference: Degree-of-Interest Trees: A Component of an Attention-Reactive User Interface
  • WebTOC is a product that automatically creates a hierarchical table of contents for a website. The video describing WebTOC is available at open-video.org
  • In honor of the Ides of March, here's a newspaper Dave and a friend created in about 1965 called "The Philosophor" documenting the situation in Rome on that fateful day: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.


  • Family Stories from the Bedford, Gritton, Loonan, Molyneux, Nation, and Vaughan families


Dave grew up in Hudson, Iowa, got his B.S. in Computer Science from Iowa State University of Science and Technology and M.S. in Computer Science from The Johns Hopkins University. He has also studied at the University of Northern Iowa and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Boston University. Dave and two other people (Dr. Richard Lippmann and Linda Kukolich) were the inventors of LNKnet - a software package now available as public domain software that assists researchers in developing pattern classification algorithms including artificial neural networks. Dave and another two people (Thomas Wescott and Lawrence McCleary) were awarded United States Patent numbers 5,341,463 in 1994 and 5,475,802 in 1995 for the "Selective polygon map display method". From 1996-1999 Dave was involved in a development program for Information visualization. In 1996-97 he did research in Dr. Ben Shneiderman's Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory ( HCIL) at the University of Maryland (College Park). He recommends Dr. Shneiderman's book Designing the User Interface : Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction which can be ordered through this site using Amazon.com. In 1997-98 he worked with Dr. Stuart Card at Xerox PARC on software to display large tree structures in a comprehensible way called the Degree of Interest Tree browser (DOITree). They co-authored a paper on the software presented in 2002 at the Advanced Visual Interfaces conference in Trento, Italy called Degree-of-Interest Trees: A Component of an Attention-Reactive User Interface. The patents for DOITree (number 6,646,652, European patent EP1217555) issued on November 11, 2003. Title: "System and Method for Browsing Node-Link Structures Based on an Estimated Degree of Interest". Another (number 6,944,830) titled “System and Method for Browsing Hierarchically Based Node-Link Structures Based on an Estimated Degree of Interest" was granted on September 13, 2005. (Another with the same name was granted on June 24, 2008 - 7,392,488) Dr's Card, Shneiderman and Jock Mackinlay (also of PARC) have collaborated on a groundbreaking book on this emerging field which is a first-ever collection of classic papers on Information Visualization that I recommend: Readings in Information Visualization : Using Vision to Think. This book can also be ordered through this site. .


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